Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Swimwear, Airfoils and E-zines Oh, My

Ignorant of what can't be done and unencumbered by the fear of failure, @LSinnov8tions students continued the brainstorming process for their passion project/genius hour/innovations concepts.

For some the projects are locked and loaded and already in process, while others continue to try to match their passion for an idea to the idea of actually taking the first steps toward the unknown aspects of the possibilities.  And still others are still juggling ideas waiting for divine inspiration or just some one else to blame for the choice they are about to make.

The energy is still extremely high and peer to peer discussions lead to AHA! moments that seem to help narrow the focus and eliminate the excess baggage.  Twitter outreach still remains a mystery as students who thought their follow lists were automatics are finding disappointment and still others are getting follows they never expected from around the globe.

Momentum has increased for @bishar_amell and @izzybish1998 and their surfable bikini line Amarabikinis (http://amelltheinnovator.tumblr.com). The coding process for the 3D print skeleton continues for @bp90041 and his stability glove for Parkinson's patients (http://bhavpatel.blogspot.com).  Random Acts of Kindness are the focus of @bettinal10024 and @alvisolance0228 for improving the emotional support of the community (https://alvisolance0228.wordpress.com or https://highfiveprogram.wordpress.com).

Documentary film makers are monitoring the water conservation project in order to document their progress and share information. App developers are brainstorming with iBook developers to bounce ideas off of each other. An antique car is being restored under the possible mentorship of car collectors from England. An E-zine is under development while a documentary on bringing change to the educational landscape is being produced.

I am continually amazed by these students and how they have embraced the process thus far. I realize that the newness of this concept has yet to wear off and the stress of college applications and College Board testing has not yet set in, but I hold out hope for the creativity and ingenuity that these students continue to demonstrate each day we come together.

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